研究院 & 中心

Women's 领导 Council

Educating, Enriching, Empowering Women

Mission and Purpose

The Women’s 领导 Council (WLC) of Westmont College seeks to recognize and empower women. Through this council, women in our community—professors, 工作人员, 女校友, friends and students—will create a tradition of female leadership and support at the college.



WWLC Logo_white




Key Initiatives

  • Assist in attracting new female leaders in our community to Westmont and involving them in the life of the college
  • 与女校友, parents and friends who’ve become leaders in their chosen fields by strengthening their connection to each other and to the college
  • Offer special activities and events on campus and in the community that discuss contemporary issues relating to women

Featured Speakers

Teresa Goines (2016)
Kathy Ireland (2017)
Shauna Niequist (2018)
Megan Alexander (2019)
Tamika Catchings (2020)
Lupita Knittel (2023)
Natalie Taylor (2024)


As a member of the Women’s 领导 Council, you’ll join a dynamic group that seeks to celebrate and support women. The council offers an excellent way for women to strengthen and extend their roles as leaders, develop connections with each other, and increase their ties to the college.

Members have the opportunity to participate in:

  • Developing meaningful internships for students while networking with community members, 女校友 and students
  • Supporting and encouraging female students as they discover their purpose in life


Women who accept an invitation to join the WLC agree to participate in at least two meetings or events and to make an annual contribution to Westmont.

“We desire to enrich and empower the lives of female students at Westmont College, inspired by a quote from Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead: 领导 is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.






“We hope that leaders in our community will join with us in supporting young Westmont women. Your involvement will enrich and empower these women well beyond the years they spend as students at the college.”






  • Kim Crawford ’00
  • Courtney DeSoto ’94
  • Amy Eddy ' 02
  • Denice Fellows, chair           
  • Anna Grotenhuis
  • 谢丽尔·米勒  
  • Sherry Nasseri ’00
  • Drew Parisi ’05
  • 明迪一. 乌尔夫94
  • Kimberly Yim ’94  
  • Sarah Camp, Assistant Vice 总统 of College Advancement    
  • Janay Marshall ’01, Director of 校友 Relations
  • 托尼·拉莫斯 Student Career Services Specialist     
  • Reed Sheard, Vice 总统 of College Advancement and CIO
  • Mary Pat Whitney, Director of Public and Advancement 事件

The current council builds on the extraordinary contributions, energy and passion of its past members:

  • Anna Grotenhuis, 联合主席
  • 彭妮·詹金斯, 联合主席
  • Andria Kahmann, 联合主席
  • Kirsten Moore, Women's Basketball Head Coach / Associate Athletic Director


Women's 领导 Council Luncheon | January 19, 2024.



To learn more, please contact: 
